Thursday, March 29, 2007

Report Card time...

And I'm looking forward to writing most of them. The vast majority of the kids are great - some... well, if we're being completely honest:

Mrs. 백, your demon-spawn Phil has me contemplating a vasectomy and vow of silence before I beat him to death with my unabridged copy of Strunk's "The Elements of Style". My recommendation is that you tie him up in a burlap sack and chuck him into the Han River, before he drives the Seoul ESL teacher suicide rate to an OECD high. Perhaps Japanese lessons? Phil must stop sticking things up his nose. He draws well.


Unknown said...

Matt has the Vice Guide to Sex, Drugs and Rock n' Roll (it's a huge bound book) and in the back, there's a bunch of education articles that were originally published in vice magazine. This man, originally a school teacher from someone in ontario basically went crazy and wrote what he really thought of all the kids in the class....sent out the report cards, then quit.

they are basically like what you just wrote, only way worse.

Anonymous said...

omgoodness...Peter, you make me giggle...I am off to show this to all my teacher friends in our staffroom...

Anonymous said...

omgoodness...Peter, you make me giggle...I am off to show this to all my teacher friends in our staffroom...

Going Somewhere said...

How I wish I could write something like that! Or even say it! Parent meetings tomorrow..... *frown*

Heidi Ehlers said...

Only YOU could write this teacher comment in a way that's hysterical and not psychotic. LOL. Thanks for the Sunday morning smile. xo